Monday, March 13, 2006

Ramble On (Baby Steps Version)

You know what it's like to have to leave a project for awhile and then get back into it? You dread it while at the same time you are desperate to get back before it becomes not just unmanageable but a matter of starting over. That's where I am. I wanted to get something in place for many reasons (one being to bump the last blog from front-page status--I'm denying now that any of it was true--it was just a cruel joke so don't try any of it at home). One other reason is that I'm reminded every day that times is not limitless as previously thought. Just because I have projects doesn't mean that I will be given time to complete them. My mother had sewing projects all around her when she collapsed on the floor; I think of that often. What comes to mind is the patchwork quilts she was making out of used blue jeans. Mom gave me a preview while they were in progress and I was looking forward to the day when she presented mine (she was making one for each of the 4 kids). Some of my aunts finished them later for us and darn if I better not get busy thanking them. Geez I'm such a crud. I'm going to take a break to get that going right now. This is going to have to wait.

BTW--Thanks J & B for the encouragement. I suspect (expect even) that you will be seeing more than enough of my ramblings now.


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